Howard A. White"Imprints 1973," 1973, p. 66 (Pepperdine University Archives Yearbook Collection)

Howard A. White

Executive vice president

In 1972, Howard Ashley White was Pepperdine's executive vice president. He was largely responsible for the day-to-day operation of the university while chancellor Norvel Young and president William Banowsky raised money for the new Malibu campus.1 White was among the earliest Pepperdiners to move to Malibu, moving to a home near Trancas in December 1971.2

White had been a student (and later a professor) at sister-school David Lipscomb College in Nashville. He followed Norvel Young to Pepperdine after Young became president in 1957.3

White went on to succeed Banowsky in the presidency, serving in that role from 1978 to 1985.4 A professor of history before his administrative turn, White was the last president of Pepperdine to hold a PhD. Both the HAWC student center and the university's teaching award are named for White. Dorm 6 (White house) is named in honor of his wife, Maxcine Feltman White, who died in 1973.


  1. Banowsky, 2010, p. 264 (Pepperdine University Press)
  2. The Malibu Times, 12/31/71, p. 1 (Pepperdine University Archives)
  3. Banowsky, 2010, p. 4 (Pepperdine University Press)
  4. Baird, 2016, p. 409-11 (Pepperdine University Press)